Cheese Stuffed Cheese Burgers

This is the first of many future postings of recipes. Please use them to impress and have fun with. By posting these recipes I hope to ignite fun and creativity in your everyday grilling and smoking.

This recipe I like to call “Cheese Stuffed Cheese Burgers” are easy and fun to make. The ingredients are as follows:

  • 1.5 pounds of Ground Beef  (I prefer 90/10),
  • Your favorite cheese (1 slice for each burger plus any extra slices you want on top) I am using American cheese in this recipe,
  • Worcestershire Sauce, Seasoning of your choice,
  • Wax Paper,
  • Any wood chips you want to smoke the meat with ( I am using Jack Daniels Chips)  


Combine the beef, Worcestershire Sauce and Seasoning ( I am using John Henry Hickory) and mix till combined. Then roll the meat into about 2″ balls, you will need an even amount of balls. Place one ball at a time between two pieces of wax paper and squish it till it is very thin approx 1/4 inch thick. You will not want to have any holes in the thin beef patty. Repeat this with all the balls you made. Next take 1-piece of  cheese and place it on one of the patties leaving enough room on the edge to place another patty on top and squish the edges of the two patties together. So you will have a slice of cheese between two thin patties of beef.  Now repeat this with all of your thin patties until you have the desired amount of burgers made. Then take all those burgers on a plate or platter and place them in the fridge for at least 1/2 hour.You want to get the meat as cold as you can, this will let them accept more smoke flavor longer on the grill. While the patties are cooling in the fridge soak your chips so they get at least 1/2 hour of soaking time prior to being used. 

Once the burgers are cold and your chips are soaked light your ceramic cooker. Get your grill up to 500 degrees and make sure your coals are spread even so you have a nice even heat. Now spread your chips on the coals and shut down the top and bottom vent enough to prevent flare ups (flare ups will char the bottom of your burgers). Once you are smoking put your burgers on. Each side of the burgers will take approx 3-5 minutes depending on your desired done-ness.

When the burgers are cooked assemble your burger and enjoy. The cheese in the middle should melt and run when you cut the patty.

There you have ” Cheese Stuffed Cheese Burgers“.

The type of seasoning, smoking woods and cheese you use will change the flavor of your burger. I didn’t give specific measurements for the seasoning because that will be a personal preference on how seasoned you like your food.

Remember to come in to visit us at The Green Goddess, or like us on Facebook. We have all different kinds of seasonings and smoking woods for you to use and enjoy grilling with. Feel free to post your variations of these wonderful burgers or any suggestions you might have for them.

~Have a Grill Day~

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