General Care Of a Houseplant

g. White Rain

General Care

  • Being consistent with the watering of each plant makes it easier on the plant and you
  • Always check the soil with a soil probe or water meter or some type of probe before watering this will help maintain a healthy plant.


  • Run a feather duster on the plant before deep cleaning at least once a week
  • Using some sort of damp cloth or baby wipe at least once a month to clean each leaf on both sides with help keep the plant looking new and fresh
  • If you like a high shine on your plants you can use a leaf shine product no more than once every two to three months only.


  • During the summer month April –Sept  is the time to feed your plants. This will help maintain a health & happy plant
  • You can use any house plant fertilizer always read and follow the instruction.
  • Never feed a new plant or a plant that is under stress.