How to Turn Any Room into a Green Sanctuary

When it comes to our homes, people like to put their personal touch on most (if not all) aspects of the interior decorating process. In order to make your home a feel-good space that you’re delighted to return to after a hard day’s work, it’s best to have a plan.

Turning a particular room into your own fortress of solitude might be on your list of things to do over the next few months, and what better time than now to get started?

Adding plants to any room will bring life and help clean and purify the air you breathe. Whether you decide the den, an office, or even your bedroom will be the place you go to get some peaceful Me time, it’s important to work hard and smart in order to avoid costly hang-ups and problems, not to mention overspending on decoration.

Below, The Green Goddess goes over a few simple ways to turn any room in your house into a comforting green sanctuary.

First, Get Organized

Before you bring new life into the room in the form of lush, verdant plants, it’s important to clear the area and organize as much as you can. If you have a closet available, store any stray items or unnecessary items you don’t use on a daily basis.

Since you’re redecorating, this is a perfect opportunity to declutter. Use the 3 Month Rule wherever applicable — if you haven’t used something in 3 months, unless it has some sort of sentimental value, it’s probably likely that you do not need it. This will help you create new space for new decor as well as new friends (plants!).

Lights and Sound

Next, consider your lighting situation as well as electronics. If you want peace and quiet, not to mention a space to unplug from the day-to-day grind, it might be a good idea to skip the television or stereo system.

Once electronic device that might come in use, however, is a sound machine. Invest in a quality device with ocean and nature sounds that will help you get into the right headspace. 

Pick Your Plants

After you’ve prepped the room, it’s time to select some plants to occupy it. Just as with any other purchase, there are going to be higher priced plants and more economically-priced houseplants

If climate allows, succulents are generally low maintenance plants that generally grow straight up (and at a slow rate). Succulents make great houseplants for those living in smaller spaces. 

Snake plants are also a good addition and help purify indoor air. You can round up a few and place them near a window of the room and add some necessary green to any space. Be advised that ZZ plants and snake plants can be poisonous to animals, so, if you have a fur baby, it might be a good idea to skip these.

If you’d like to have a flowering plant, opt for an Anthurium, which are known for lipstick-red, lily pad–style blooms. Anthuriums often make the list of best house plants and interior designers qualify these plants as having a retro feel due to their pretty pops of color.

If you’re looking to decorate your home or even your outdoor spaces with a wide selection of plants, The Green Goddess offers complete plant design and installation services in the Phoenix area. We are dedicated to helping our clients acquire the most appropriate interior and exterior plants for their unique tastes, needs, and sensibilities.
