Green Goddess offers the largest variety of plants in the Phoenix area. Many of these colorful plants with a beautiful aroma help decorate the area surrounding your home as well as attractive additions to the inside of your house. Knowing which plants may be harmful to your pets is very important in the location you plant them.
In this article Green Goddess will talk about which plants are toxic and poisonous to your four legged pals, and should be planted where they cannot be eaten.
If a plant is poisonous it is best to assume all parts of the plant are. Cats are much harder to deal with since they are constantly exploring and it is difficult to keep plants out of their reach. Cats love to chew on plants and many toxic plants irritate the skin, mouth, stomach as well as harmful to the kidneys and heart of your cat. Below is a list of plants commonly encountered and toxic to your cat:
- Tulip and narcissus bulbs
- Spanish thyme
- Peace lily
- Oleander
- Lilies
- English ivy
- Chrysanthemum
- Azaleas
- Rhododendrons
- Marijuana
- Yew
If you feel your cat has eaten any of these you should call your vet as soon as possible or the Animal Poison Control Center at 888-426-4435. The ASPCA also offers an extensive list of toxic and poisonous plants.
A few tips on what to look for if your cat came in contact with a toxic plant are; redness, swelling and itchiness of skin or mouth. If you suspect they might have eaten something toxic, symptoms can include difficulty breathing, drooling, vomiting, diarrhea or excessive drinking. Once again, call your vet. Another number is the Pet Poison Helpline at 1-855-213-6680.
Dogs have a long list of plants that are poisonous. The best advice is to discourage them from chewing or eating any of these plants. The plants we listed below are the most toxic and should be kept out of your dog’s area:
- Hemlock
- English ivy – leaves are berries
- Mistletoe
- Oleander
- Yew
- Mushrooms that you cannot identify
- Castor bean
- Cyclamen
The following types of plants are also toxic; but not as toxic as the previous list. They should not be planted in areas that your dog can get to.
- Blood root
- Flower bulbs of any kind
- Lilly of the Valley
- Marijuana
- Rhubarb
- Tulips
- Chrysanthemum
- Bougainvillea
- Bleeding heart
- Azalea
- Wisteria
Once again, a more extensive list is available on the ASPCA web-site.
The same symptoms that applied to the cats also apply to your dog. Watch for vomiting, diarrhea, skin irritation; but most important if you suspect your pet may have eaten a toxic plant, call or bring your dog to the vet with a sample of the plant if possible. The Pet Poison Helpline is 1-855-213-6680.
We at Green Goddess hope this information is helpful to you and as always our knowledgeable and courteous staff are available to direct you to the plants or trees that are best suited to you and your 4 legged pal’s needs.