Before purchasing a plant it is important to consider what you are going to place the plant in. There are many different types of containers to choose from; such as baskets, metal, Terra Cotta, porcelain, ceramic or whiskey barrels. You can either directly plant the plant into the container of your choosing, or you can keep the plant in its original grow container and place it in the decorative container of your choice.
There are a few things to remember if keeping the plant in its original grow container; if the grow container is cracked when you purchase the plant, this is a sign that the grow container is too small for the plant’s root system, so it might be best to either direct plant it or get a larger grow container and replant it.
(Things to consider) …
- Make sure the decorative container is big enough for the grow container not to show.
- If the decorative container is too big you might need to use paper or styrofoam to support the plant so it doesn’t sit crooked in the decorative container.
- If the decorative container does not have a saucer attached to it, put a vinyl (plastic) saucer inside the decorative container under the grow conatiner.
- To make sure that your floors will not get ruined by the decorative container get a cork pad to put underneath the contaier to protect the floor.
- To add the finishing touch, cover the grow pot with some spanish moss or decorative rocks. This really finishes the look off!
There are several things to remember when choosing to directly plant your house plant:
- Choose a pot that is a few inches wider than the grow container the plant came in. This give the roots room to grow.
- Make sure there is a drainage hole in the bottom or drill a hole to prevent over watering or fungus gnats. Also, use a saucer to prevent stains or damage to your floors.
- Be careful when taking the plant out of its grow container. A lot of tropical plants have very fine root hairs that can be easily damaged when transplanting. If this is the case for your plant you might want to keep it in its grow container when planting the plant into the pot in order to keep its root ball in tact.
Whatever way you choose to plant your houseplant, we here The Green Goddess can help you to choose the plant, container and decorative dressing as well as get it to your house and make it all pretty for you just come on in and let us help you get what you want.
Until next time
~Keep Growing~