Author: Social Media

One of the enjoyable aspects of the great state of Arizona is that during the fall season we experience milder temperatures than much of the United States, which gives us a unique opportunity to plant and enjoy the fruits of our labor during the fall...

Herbs are a fantastic avenue to explore for those wanting to enjoy the fruits of their labor, so to speak. When it comes to botany, "herb" is a term that refers to an herbaceous plant. Herbs are small, seed-bearing plants that lack woody stems and...

Plant lovers tend to grow year-round in Arizona, however, not all plants can stand the high temperatures of the low desert, which often top 104-107 degrees. This goes especially true for vegetables. However, certain vegetables can survive and even thrive in the high temperatures that...

If you’ve had a little experience or if you’re brand new to crafting a garden sanctuary, it’s a good idea to do a little research to ensure your plants and trees have the best shot at living a full and happy life. Taking care of...

There's nothing quite like the scent of a flower or aromatic plant. However, not all plant or tree fragrances are created equal. For instance, the Bradford Pear Tree has been said to smell like dead fish. Crown Imperial flowers are often described as smelling the...